Despite Fentanyl, Border, Mayorkas Is Doing ‘Good’ Because We Haven’t Had Terrorist Attack


On Thursday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “The Hill,” House Homeland Security Committee member Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA) stated that while there are problems on the border and with fentanyl, “Alejandro Mayorkas is not the reason” and is “doing a good job” because we haven’t had any terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and we’ve “essentially minimized” cyberattacks on the U.S.

Correa said, “Well, think about what’s going on around the world right now. We have two wars. We have fentanyl [on] our doorstep everywhere on Main Street across the country. We have challenges of fentanyl, sad, tragic deaths, parents mourning. And then, of course, we have a worldwide refugee challenge. So, naturally, we want to find out why this is happening. But Alejandro Mayorkas is not the reason. Alejandro’s doing his job. If you think about those two world wars going on in the Middle East and in Europe…what you’re not talking about is the fact that we haven’t had a terrorist attack, thank God, on our soil, the fact that we’ve essentially minimized any attack — cyberattacks on our society. So, Mayorkas is doing a good job. But we still have a lot more to do in this country. And, in my opinion, instead of spending our time going through these hearings to impeach the guy, he hasn’t committed any crimes. Let’s focus on working together. Senate Republicans, Senate Democrats, the president, we’re all working together. I ask my Republicans in Congress, work with us come up with solutions.”

He added that there are worldwide migrant issues and Border Patrol needs more resources.

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