I Want the American Dream for All Migrants, You Can’t Do That with Current Border Surge


On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) stated that he wants “to provide the American Dream for any migrant. But it seems very difficult” to do that “when you have 300,000 people showing up encountered at our border to do that.” And that you can strongly support immigration while also supporting a secure border.

Fetterman said, “I honestly don’t understand why it’s controversial to say, we need a secure border. I’ve been very clear, in fact, that was weaponized against me [by] Republicans in my race, that I’m very much a strong supporter of immigration, and my wife’s family, that’s the [origin] story about that. And I think two things can be true at the same time. You can be very supportive of immigration, but we also need to have a secure border. And I really — [what] I think about immigration is, we want to provide the American Dream for any migrant. But it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up encountered at our border to do that. And I think we need to do a reset and we have to work together and develop a new comprehensive solution to that.”

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