Trump Is Furious — ‘He Was Insulting Voters of New Hampshire’


CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Tuesday on his network’s New Hampshire primary coverage that former President Donald Trump was “furious” that former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) is still in the race.

Tapper said, “You know, one of the things that’s interesting about Donald Trump’s performance this evening is he’s mad. He’s angry. That was not a celebratory Trump. He’s angry that Nikki Haley is still in the race. He was insulting her. He was insulting voters of New Hampshire. He was insulting the process of the primary system there, which has been going on for, you know, back– it was going the same way back when Donald Trump was a Democrat.”

He added, “He went after the governor. This is not gracious Donald Trump. I’m going to be the nominee. Come, let us all come together and heal. This is I am furious. Where where’s my hype man? To do even more attacks.”

Co-anchor Erin Burnett said, “Yeah, well, you know, even as what’s interesting is he did better than his own campaign had set the expectations.

Tapper said, “He did great. He should be in a good mood.”

Burnett said, “I mean, right, Kristen Homes are saying they expected it to be, you know, seven points, which was a spin to say that. Oh, wow. We’re close seven points away. Yeah. Right now, as you know, everything’s still being finalized. You’re looking at something certainly in the double digits Abby. So he should be feeling good. But as Jake said, that’s not the tone.”

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