If I Win Primary, ‘Establishment Will Absolutely Be Shocked’


Conservative candidate for Florida’s Fifth Congressional District Mara Macie said the “establishment will absolutely be shocked” if she wins her primary against RINO Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL) on Tuesday, telling Breitbart News Saturday that the establishment is already worried about a conservative takeover of Northeast Florida.

Macie discussed her primary battle against Rutherford, which officially goes down on Tuesday. Voters, she said, finally have an opportunity to replace a RINO with a true conservative.

“I’m in Jacksonville, which is going to have a higher Democrat turnout, and there’s a good chance that a Democrat would perform pretty well in Duval County. However, St. Johns County would carry it over the line for a Republican. So, it does not matter. The general election really is not — it’s not like the primary,” she explained. “The primary is where this is won.”

During the appearance, Macie blasted Rutherford for his tendency to spend and back establishment causes. When asked what kind of a message she believes it would send to the national political class if she wins on Tuesday, Macie said it would send a strong message to the American people even more.


Democrats, she said, would paint her win as the “extreme right” taking over, “whereas, really, it’s just actual conservatives getting more power in D.C. and on the right.”

“The establishment will absolutely be shocked, and they’ll be — they are already worried about grassroots, true conservatives taking over here in Northeast Florida,” she said, noting the most important message of all.

“But, most importantly, the biggest message and most important message would be the one to the American people. If you get involved in politics, if you do the work, if you teach people about the candidates and teach people about following the money, you can actually get representation. It can be done,” she said.

“We do not have to live under the establishment rule. The people can take their power back. We can take our power back. We can get our country back if we get involved. So, please, everybody out there, start understanding what’s at stake so that you know where to go for information, to understand how to get your power back. Take that power back. They don’t want you to have it, but it is yours. Take it, and let’s fix this country,” Macie added.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.