After It Matters, Deep State, Fake Media Blow Hunter Biden Case Wide Open


Now that His Fraudulency Joe Biden is no longer the only thing that stands between Donald Trump and the White House, the corrupt Deep State and America’s fake media have decided it’s safe to blow the Hunter Biden case wide open.

Five years after New Media broke most of these stories, and five years after then-President Trump was falsely impeached by a Democrat-run U.S. Congress (cheered on by the lying media) over a phone call to Ukraine looking into corruption, all of a sudden, when it no longer matters, the truth comes out and the media are suddenly eager to report on it.

We saw the same thing in 2016 after news broke about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The corporate media covered up the bombshells, successfully urged social media to kill the story and lied about the laptop being Russian misinformation. Fifty-one Deep Staters then signed a letter claiming the laptop was Russian misinformation. It was only after we were told that Joe Biden had won the 2020 presidential election that everyone admitted the laptop was authentic.

Related — Vance: We Should Investigate ‘Collusion’ Between Press, Big Technology, National Security on Hunter Biden

Here we go again…

Biden has been ousted from his reelection bid in what reeks of a coup, so the Deep State and corporate media know now it’s safe to tell the truth about Hunter’s shady business dealings, including with Ukraine and the energy company Burisma Holdings that paid Hunter $83,000 a month — a month! —to sit on its board. Hunter knows less about energy than Brian Stelter does about the touch of a woman. He was paid that money for one reason and one reason only.

And so, after five years, I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that the Deep State decided to release some bombshells weeks after Biden was forced out of the race …

Hunter Biden accepted $3,101,258 from Romanian partner Gabriel Popoviciu to “influence U.S. government agencies” when President Joe Biden served as vice president, Special Counsel David Weiss said in a Wednesday court filing.

Methinks that’s called a bribe.

Methinks Hunter can be bought cheap.

Methinks Hunter won’t be selling his ugly paintings much anymore.

Methinks we would not be seeing these headlines if Joe were still running for reelection…

Get a load of this…

New York Times : “The Brazen Evasions of Hunter Biden”

With this month’s revelations that Hunter Biden directly contacted American officials for the benefit of foreign clients in Ukraine and allegedly Romania, and with Mr. Biden facing a new trial next month stemming from charges of tax evasion for the millions he received from foreign sources, the time has come to finally charge him as an unregistered foreign agent.

And the time has also come to reverse that impeachment.

ABC News : “Hunter Biden sought help from US ambassador for Burisma, lawyer confirms”

Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma for nearly five years and earned more than $2 million from the energy firm during that time, according to court records filed as part of his tax case in California.

This latest revelation builds on recent allegations that Hunter Biden attempted to leverage his proximity to power for business gains.

Last week, prosecutors contended in court filings that the younger Biden accepted payments from a Romanian businessman who wanted him to “influence U.S. government agencies” while his father was vice president.

Why was Trump impeached again?


“This isn‘t great. Hunter Biden, everybody in the White House has known for a long time, is an issue. The way that his lawyers responded to this disclosure saying, ‘Well, yeah, he sent letters but did nothing wrong.’ This feels very strange to people that the vice president‘s son was sending letters or making requests to other government officials and saying, ‘Hey, would you meet with this company?’”

AP : “Hunter Biden reportedly sought US government help for Ukrainian gas company Burisma”

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, wrote a letter to the ambassador in 2016 seeking assistance for Burisma, which had been working on a geothermal project in Italy, the newspaper reported, citing newly released records and interviews.

And let’s not forget that Joe Biden himself got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold $1 billion is U.S. aid. Oh, and this prosecutor just happened to be investigating Burisma Holdings. No prosecutor, no investigation. That’s what $83,000 a month gets you.

But Trump got impeached.

The whole system… It’s all rigged… It’s all corrupt… Democrats sure got it good.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here . Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook .